We have survived our first day back from the lake without a scratch!
In the morning we went outside of Chimaltenango (Lencho's hometown about 25-30 minutes from Antigua) to present the problems and solutions of the water crisis for the second time. This presentation, however, was catered to little children about 5 years of age. This school, much like the one last Thursday in San Martin had already had Ecofilters for two years, so they enthusiastically knew and presented many benefits of water. When we arrived, they were very happy to see us and greeted us with an ear-piercing "Buenos Dias!" We proceeded to present, all the while giving out bags of "Silly Bands" as each child responded to a question.
After lunch with our host families, we attended language school from 2-6 once again. From 2-4, we worked hard on our lessons, but toured the markets from 4.30-6.00. Many of us practiced our bartering skills with the help of our teachers and were able to buy goods from clothes to wallets for a fraction of the cost! It was very interesting to see the diverse selection of merchandise in the booths -- anything imaginable could be bought there!

We look forward to presenting to another community tomorrow in a village about an hour away in order to spread the knowledge of water to other children. In the afternoon during our language classes, we will hike to a large cross about thirty minutes up a mountain from Antigua to learn about its history. Look forward for more! See you tomorrow!
We look forward to presenting to another community tomorrow in a village about an hour away in order to spread the knowledge of water to other children. In the afternoon during our language classes, we will hike to a large cross about thirty minutes up a mountain from Antigua to learn about its history. Look forward for more! See you tomorrow!
My adventure to the school yesterday was out of this world fun. We had a 20 minute bus ride that was filled with anticipation from me. I was so pumped to present our project to the little kids because I knew that today was going to be a great one. As soon as we arrived, I noticed something different than the last school. There was not as much screaming and jumping up and down from the kids. They were all hiding in their classrooms. That was due to the fact that they were in kindergarten and were not as willing to come and see us right away. They were like a new born dog, and they were very shy at first until they found out that we wanted to play some football and basketball with them.
ReplyDeleteThen we came back to school and went to our tutors which surprisingly went by really fast and I learned a lot today because we walked around to the market and we talked about buying goods. This is very hard for me because I have a very fast hand to just go fling into my wallet the people the money, but i did relatively well today.
Today we made another presentation to another school but this time it was for preschoolers! We also got to play with them before and after the presentation. They had so much energy to play with us and I actually enjoyed it alot. The best part was that they were very involved in what we were saying and we anxious to answer the questions that we giving them. Tomorrow was another day for presenting our projects and I am really looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteThe preschoolers we presented to yesterday were so cute. We enjoyed play with them outside after our presentation. After lunch we went back to tutoring and after some studying we went to the markets nd got to walk around together. Looking forward to playing with the other children today further out in the villages.
ReplyDeleteYesterday was another successful presentation! Both groups got more comfortable with their material so it made it a whole lot easier to interact more with the kids. After our presentations we then preceded to go to the market with our tutors after a rigorous 2 hours if studying. It was a nice break from studying and I obtained an authentic Aon jersey for dirt cheap which was an added bonus. I can't wait to see what we do today!
ReplyDeleteYesterday's presentation was probably our best yet because we didn't have any posters so we had to interact a lot more than usual. After our presentation, we were able to play with the kids outside. I played soccer and quickly noticed that a few of the kids were a little serious about beating us. They yelled at each other or got mad at themselves if they missed a goal and I believe one punched Ross. Other than a few bad attitudes, I still had a great time playing with the kids and would enjoy going back if asked to do so.
ReplyDeleteThen when it was time to go with my tutor, I had an incredible time! We got finished with our lesson for the day a little early and played Spanish Scrabble. At first I thought I was going to do fine but eventually found out that it was going to be harder than expected. When 4:30 rolled around, we all went to the market with our tutors where we could learn spanish in a different setting instead of sitting down for another hour and a half. I learned how to bargain so that I could get things at a cheaper price but I still think I need so more practice! I'm glad that we could walk around, speak spanish, and buy a few things along the way. I wonder what we will do next time!
I had a great time today! The group of kids was a perfect size and they were all so happy to see us. They participated a lot. We did a great job sending our messege across to them and we all hope that they drink more clean water instead of dirty water and soda. After all was said and done, we joined the children in some sporting events such as soccer and basketball. I played both and had a great time. After playing for almost an hour the kids were called in to eat lunch and we then departed. I had a great time!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed presenting to a class of a smaller size. The kids paid attention very well, and were eager to hear what we had to say. It was fun to play basketball on their 4 foot hoops, and soccer with 2ft x 2ft goals. In the middle of our game we were interrupted by a herd of goats that were grazing in a nearby field. Looking forward to the rest of the presentations. So far so good.
ReplyDeleteOur presentation was much better on Monday because we didn't have to use posters because Jack lost them. We got to talk more with the kids and play sports with them. They were amazing goalies and we only scored one goal on them. During our tutoring we visited the markets and I learned the trades of bartering and ripping people off. At night tragedy struck and I got really sick.